Our Podcast

Build Momentum: Thought Leadership for Education Global Workforce Edition

Welcome to Season 4 of the Build Momentum podcast where exciting changes are on the horizon! Dr. Katie Lash, who recently transitioned from her role at the East Central Educational Service Center to become the Vice President of K-14 and Strategic Initiatives at Ivy Tech, is embarking on a new chapter in her career. We're incredibly excited for her and eagerly anticipate her return as a guest on the show!

While Dr. Lash moves into her new role, our strong Indiana connection continues. This season, we're thrilled to introduce Chad Bolser, Chancellor of Ivy Tech, as our new co-host. Chad's extensive experience working with Ivy Tech, the largest singly accredited community college in the country, and his collaborations with school districts across Indiana and beyond, make him an invaluable addition to our podcast.

Together with Chad, we're launching a workforce development series where we will engage with CTE directors, superintendents, and thought leaders, exploring the evolution of workforce development, strategies that are making an impact, and how these leaders are sharing these success stories within the broader education community. We'll uncover how these leaders are leveraging key partnerships, engaging community stakeholders while also leveraging media to authentically share their story and share their impact.

Tune in for new episodes every other Thursday, available on Spotify, iTunes, or your preferred listening platform as we explore the evolution of workforce development in K-12 education.

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Season 3

BookTok sensation uses social media to learn to read | Oliver James

In this episode of Build Momentum, Sarah and Katie are joined by Oliver James. Oliver is one of social media’s rising stars and an influencer on TikTok, where he was able to learn how to read through his fans’ support and encouragement.

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Season 3

The Essential Role of Philanthropy in Education| Lina Eroh, Overdeck Family Foundation

In this episode of Build Momentum, Sarah and Katie are joined by Lina Eroh, Communications Director for the Overdeck Family Foundation. Lena leads both internal and external communications efforts, working closely with grantees and the Foundation team. She has also provided her specialties in corporate communication for iconic consumer brands such as eBay.

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Season 3

AI: Are we Asking the Right Questions? | Ben Farrell

In this episode of Build Momentum, Sarah and Katie are joined by Ben Farrell, the Assistant Head of School and Director of the Upper School at the New England Innovation Academy. Prior to joining NEIA, Ben was the Principal and Head of School at The International Montessori School of Beijing.

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Season 3

Tom Vander Ark Talks AI, Cultivating an Entrepreneurial Mindset, and Building Credibility

In this episode of Build Momentum, Sarah and Katie are joined by Tom Vander Ark, an advocate for innovations in learning. He is the CEO of Getting Smart, a design learning firm that helps education organizations increase their impact with innovations for a better learning experience.

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Season 3

Technology and Learning Alchemist Julia Fallon | SETDA

In this episode of Build Momentum, Sarah and Katie are joined by Julia Fallon. Julia, a self-described technology and learning alchemist, is the Executive Director of the nonprofit State Educational Technology Directors Association, where she works with U.S. state and territorial digital learning leaders to empower the education community to leverage technology for learning, teaching, and school operations.

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Season 3

Leading with Impact and Urgency | Erin Mote, InnovateEDU

In this episode of Build Momentum, Sarah and Katie are joined by Erin Mote. Erin is the co-founder and executive director of InnovateEDU, a nonprofit whose mission is to eliminate the achievement gap by accelerating innovation in Common Core-aligned next-generation learning models and tools that serve, inform, and enhance teaching and learning.

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Season 3

From Classroom Teacher to CEO | Tammy Laughner

In this episode of Build Momentum, Sarah and Katie are joined by Tammy Laughner. Tammy is a retired primary/intermediate school teacher who served for almost 30 years in Indianapolis Public Schools. She is also the co-founder and CEO of Vimme Learning, an online math curriculum made by teachers for teachers to be used by students in grades K-8.

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Season 3

Futurecasting 2023: Predictions from CEOs, superintendents and education leaders across the industry

In this episode of Build Momentum, Sarah and Katie are kicking off this first episode of the year with their predictions for 2023 in the education space along with some influential people across the Industry.

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